I agree with the conditions for the processing of personal data.
By leaving my data on the Website www.alcisdom.com, I give AlcisDom my consent to the processing of personal data, which include: last name, first name, middle name; contact number; E-mail address; any other data provided by me to AlcisDom by e-mail during telephone or personal conversations.
AlcisDom informed me that the processing of personal data is carried out by the AlcisDom website to select the property according to the necessary parameters, to organize interaction with banks and other financial institutions, to prepare answers and consultations on issues of concern regarding AlcisDom activities.
AlcisDom is allowed to process my personal data through the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data of the client. Data processing can be carried out both using automation tools, and without their use (with non-automatic processing). When processing personal data, AlсisDom is not limited in the application of methods for their processing.
AlcisDom notified me and agreed that any my negotiations with AlsicDom (written, by telephone and via video conferencing) can be recorded and analyzed in order to improve the quality of service and transferred to local agents to increase the effectiveness of interaction.
AlcisDom received my consent and permission to transfer my personal data to local agents (real estate agencies, developers, brokers, realtors, as well as banks and other financial institutions) using public networks and international information exchange, using cross-border data transfer in foreign countries , including if these countries do not provide adequate protection for the rights of personal data subjects. The transfer of personal data is carried out in order to implement the Cooperation Agreement, the terms of which I have read and agree.
AlcisDom informed me that this consent is valid for an indefinite period. Consent may be terminated on the basis of my written statement. In the event that I receive my written application to withdraw this consent to the processing of personal data, AlcisDom is obliged to stop processing it and exclude my personal data from the database, including electronic, with the exception of information about the surname, name and patronymic.
I have read and accept the policy of the AlcisDom website regarding the processing of my personal data.
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